
Telling Stories. Tending Life.

storytelling, ecology, & the arts

Storytelling. Song. Crafts.
Fine Art. Ecology. Family-friendly

We are telling stories about our home. What will our new story become?

Listen to our podcast!

The EarthStory Podcast is Available Now!

New episodes every Sunday night at 6PM Pacific.

EarthStory in the Skagit Valley

Hosted by Burlington Lutheran Church, Burlington, WA

in partnership with Paths to Understanding

On Saturday, October 19, EarthStory, in partnership with Paths to Understanding and Burlington Lutheran Church, hosted a gathering of poetry, music, and Upper Skagit storytelling. Upper Skagit Elder, tsi sq́ʷalʔalq́ʷal shared the Year-Round Story that was passed down from her great aunt Vi taqʷšəblu Hilbert. We were also joined by poet Robert Hasselblad. Music was offered by Grace Alexander and Will Rand.

The Inaugural EarthStory Festival

September 14, 2024

Mountain View, CA

Open House @ 1 on the civic center plaza

Community open house with local conservationists, ecologists, indigenous cultural practitioners, artists, and more!

Storytelling @ 2:30 on Parkstage

Sharing stories and songs about the Earth. Bring your own chair and blanket. Enjoy an afternoon of captivating stories and creativity. Family-friendly.

Our Community

Meet our Partners!

Each of these ecologists, teachers, native cultural practitioners, conservationists, artists, public servants, and fellow humans has a story to share about our planet.

Jenny Purushotma

Zoë García

Calling all Volunteers!

Volunteer with us at our inaugural festival on September 14!

About us

Everyone born on this Earth has a story. EarthStory offers people a chance to come together and share their stories with one another. We believe that tending to the relationship between human beings and the natural world is a way to tell the new story of our time.

We want to uplift the voices of ecologists, artists, activists, and public servants. We seek to amplify the wisdom of our indigenous siblings. We believe that all of our ancestors help to guide us into a future that is worthy of the potential of our children’s lives.

Now is the time to gather and move our world toward a greater wholeness, together.

Our Team

Will Rand

Timothy Loewen-Elofson

Patrick Kavanagh

Terry Bush

Will Rand

Founder and Executive Director

Grace Alexander

Director of Operations and Design

Join our web

EarthStory seeks to raise awareness of the interconnectedness of all living beings through storytelling, song, and communal gathering.